In addition to the other great guests enjoying this place with me, the staff is a lot of fun as well. There is Jared, the surf guide who is a Kiwi. Shane, the chef from Australia. Brandon, the all around helper and assitant surf guide who is from Nebraska. Matt, the bartender from Ventura, CA. There are several Indo staffers as well like Em our boat driver, Rika the cook, and a few others I don't know by name yet.
The surf is looking to pick back up later this week but I'm enjoying surfing some waves that aren't quite so big and scary until then! Hope everyone is doing well!
I thought I posted you a comment yesterday, but i guess it didn't work, Hope you're killing it over there, having fun and not drinking too much special tea. Um I need you to be back by the last week in August to help move us to the new house. Ok see you then